Month-end loot: Local Brands

1:21 PM

Hello there!

Do you have any favorite products from local brand?

At an early age, I'm already obsessed with makeup and as time goes by, my love for them grows bigger. 

I can still remember my struggle to save money in order to buy cosmetics,books (I'm a bookworm as well) and clothes. My parents taught us to save money if we want to splurge on something aside from the basic needs they provide. And it really works for all of us, especially now that we're grown-ups. 

To be honest, I haven't explore local brand though I tried some before. Then lately, I've been watching some videos online (of my favorite vloggers) about their local product must have. With that, it gave me the boost that I need to start my way knowing local brand. But still hesitant. 

With a nervous smile on my face, I approached the saleslady on Ever Bilena stall in department store. I tend to talk with them since they'll help you learn more abot the products they offer. There's one thing you have to remind yourself whenever you talk to saleslady; prepare yourself for a lot of questions

Here are the products I got from Ever Bilena. 

 Studio Finish Stick Foundation (P210.00)

 EB Advance Cheek Color in Fig (P175.00)

 EB Advance Perfecr Eyebrow in Medium Brown (P60.00)

 Sponge (P50.00)

I also bought some from Maybelline since I'm running out of make-up remover and mascara. Plus the Nichido Precise Liner is eye catching since its 50% off!

Maybelline Hypercurl Mascara (P149.00 ; original price is P199.00, less P50)

Maybelline Make Up Remover 70ml (P199.00)

Nichido Precise Liner (P75.00; original price is P150.00)

There are other products I'd like to try as well. However, I'm on a limited budget since I'm (f)unemployed. Ha-ha! Still, I can get my hands on those products soon. 

By the way, I'll do the review next time and please keep an eye on it. 

Tell me your favorite local brand products on comment section!

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