Five Make-Up Essentials

5:21 PM

Make-up is an art and a very tricky one. We all know there's a lot of work that goes to get it right, knowing the structure of your face or the shape of your eyes. One can simply put concealer and eyeliner to look good. But it is a challenge to see how many layers of eyeshadow you need to apply so you can get that smokey eye. 

It's quite intimidating when you walk to a beauty or cosmetics shop and get lost to hundred of lipstick shades, what more to those make-up products you're not aware how to use. 

In this post, I'll give you the five essential make-up every girls must have. 

1. Concealer 
To cover dark circles under the eye. You can use it as well to cover blemishes. 

2. Lipstick
It can be any shade you want to get that kissable lips. Also you can get the color or bloom on the face just by applying your favorite shade of lipstick. 

3. Powder
To keep yourself fresh all throughout the day. Kiss the oily and dull skin away!

4. Mascara
A mascara is way better than an eyeliner because it makes your eyes pop and liner makes them smaller. Also you need to consider the shape of your eyes for eyeliner. You will never go wrong with mascara!

5. Contouring Kit
If you want to have more define look, stash some contouring products on your pouch. You can also use this as eyeshadow, under the eye concealer or eye brow filler. 

Practice and effort are the key to success to get the high level of artistry in beauty field. Don't be afraid to try different products. Keep on experimenting. 

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