#DropDeadGorgeous by Pop Beauty and Glamourbox

8:00 AM

 Hello, artist!

Imagine waking up at 3 in the morning, taking calls for 9 hours and you’ll arrive home around 8 in the evening. How exhausted can you get? Yes, that's my daily routine but it was different last week.

My exhaustion turns into pure bliss when I got this box! Oops, not an ordinary box but a very beautiful one and wait 'til you see what's inside! I can't contain the kid in me when I finally saw all the "gems" that it has for me.

“Be a knockout with this stunning beauty kit. Look fun, feminine, flirty or foxy with these pigmented, get-gorgeous staples from Pop Beauty!”

A special edition box brought to you by Glamourbox and Pop Beauty!

Pop Art have a definite space in my heart since it reminds me of comic books, techniques and expansion of abstract ideas. And I'm glad that Pop Beauty was able to deliver those with these packaging and products.

Left-Right: Nail Glam, Permanent Pout in Razzle Rose, Peak Performance Brow in Natural Brunette, Pouty Pop Crayon

A day after I opened them, my Mom already asked for the Peak Performance Brow and I think she misplaced the Pow Wow Powder (believe me, I'm about to cry now!) so I just grab a photo from Glamourbox's instagram. #InLovingMemoryOfMyPowWowPowder

Pow Wow Powder on Rockin' Rouge

Intrigued with the prices? Take a look.

Go ahead and sum up the prices then compare the savings you'll get by paying Php 1,290.00 only. Sounds great, right? Sign up and be a Glambabe now!

Guaranteed all these lovely products will be put to good use. Please watch out for the reviews!

Feel free to visit their website: http://glamourbox.ph/ 

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